Les mouchoirs de poche ont d’innombrables usages possibles (ou plutôt avaient devrais-je dire). Ces objets insignifiants assouvissaient toutes sortes de besoins, des plus triviaux aux plus nobles. Alors qu’ils ont disparu de nos vies quotidiennes, ici, ils poursuivent leur vie comme œuvres d’art. Cet article est aussi disponible en: FrenchRead more
Blog de l'artiste Veronique Egloff
Experiments in artistic creativity
why this blog
"Always imagine your work as an opening to the world." Léonard de Vinci
For who?
why ?
who ?
How can we talk about somebody who is fond of artistic creation?
Here is an attempt of portraits from people I have met:Cheerful,
Compassionate…beings.In short, this blog tries to track down all kinds of artistic surprises with greediness.
It collects them patiently ...and attempts to make them sparkleThose creative tastings are realized solo but more often with others and always face to face. Young people and adults regularly follow me in those exciting journeys.
At first, we enjoy Art. But then, why not experiment it ourself?
But alone, it is not always easy!
Where to start?
How to do it?
How to be more creative?
Daring to take this path is easier alongside an already seasoned traveler in the matter.
Follow him/her in all kinds of creative writings and soon you will be aware of the relevance of artistic creation in general, but especially of your own creations.
It is an unstoppable way to feel alive.There are so many alternatives, so no hesitation, get inspired and create.
few notes about the author
I was born in Paris
First Rolling Stones’ live show in London, appearance ////// mini-skirt !!! ??? !!!!
it was a fair period ... Véronique Egloff chooses to show the tip of her nose.
1967-1982: intensive education to get a better assessment of her time
1983-1985: very intensive education to get a better assessment of the globalization of the world economy1986-1990: jobs for a living
1990-2000: major crisis, loses her foothold, has two babies and naively begins many other creations at once
start with colored pencils to land ...for a while... digital
>>> since has been experimenting all artistic fields that comes to her mind with an unstoppable patience
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La résonance
Nous avons la capacité d’être en résonance avec le monde, l’éprouver est primordial. Cet article est aussi disponible en: FrenchRead more
Bestiaire déchu
Nous traversons d’après les experts l’un des cinq grands épisodes d’extinctions massives qui ont ponctué l’histoire de la Vie sur Terre. En voici un bestiaire déchu ! Cet article est aussi disponible en: FrenchRead more
Cet article est aussi disponible en: French