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Humble Humus as a peacemaker

Can art inspire change? This is a recurrent question for me.

Lately, I was invited by the media library of a tonic village of Luberon, Saint Saturnin-les-Apt, to think over the concept of Peace.
In my opinion, define Peace only as the absence of war reduces Peace to an empty vision, at least incomplete. Peace is the opposite of passivity. In the Yi-King, the opposed hexagram to peace is stagnation. I share this interpretation. For me, Peace begins with our commitment and our fighting spirit to respect: oneself, others and especially our home Earth. I would like us to strive to build up gentle, courteous, warm relationships with our planet. I hope our life choices to be dictated by our reason but also our heart.

For those works, I used our rejects, our wastes, those that nature is unable to recycle – at least in the short term. In addition, I focused my wishes for peace on the humus. According to the dictionary: “Humus is the upper layer of soil created, maintained and modified by the decomposition of organic matter … while the components of the deep soil have a mineral origin.” Without it, we should live “off the ground”. I do not know about you, but this idea grieves me terribly. According to Hubert Reeves, humus is the key of sustainable agriculture, a concept originated from the Brundtland report and presented as being able to “meet our current needs without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs”.

Humus is an actor of earthly life which acts with great humility, as it quietly in the service of the living. But it does it willingly, especially as we let it in peace.

We come full circle.

Because without Humus, how could we guarantee our descendants a circle of peace as harmonious as possible?


HUMBLE HUMUS 1 veronique egloff

CIRCLE OF PEACE veronique egloff, 2018,
crochet with video film, pipe, plastic film, diameter 150cm
Man’s responsibility, since nothing is created and everything is recreated.


How could our children flourish without humus?humble humus, veronique egloff

HUMBLE HUMUS 2 veronique egloff, 2018,
acrylic on recycled advertising poster in rhodoïd (transparent work presented on glass) 150x150cm, diptych
Man’s responsibility, since life comes from its decomposition and recomposition.


How could humanity be preserved without humus?



HUMBLE HUMUS 3 veronique egloff, 2018, (installation of 2x3m on the facade of the Media Library)
Acrylic on felt, agricultural plastic and radiography
Man’s responsibility, since one of the guarantees of peace for humanity comes from the respect of its humble work.
My circle of peace has been highlighted by  PURE OR PLASTIC ?! a guidebook * developed by The Universal Sea Project.
This project “The universal sea – pure or in plastic ?!” drives forward solutions that fight the plastic epidemic in oceans. It explores new models of collaboration between art, science, technology and business, as well as the general public – by creating a strong network of innovators and leaders of change.
It is in this same outlook that I would like my work to travel!


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