Enjoy and get free to create, challenge yourself.
Everyone knows that creatives are usually generous people.
We do not hesitate to ask them about all sorts of things as their creative know-how is often very substantial. Indeed, their own deep nature as artists, has been urging them to work on this subject since their childhood. Whether or not they have had a specific background, they are constantly testing in terms of creation because it is simply their purpose … their fuel.
I am made of this stuff and when I speak about art, the strength of this passion immediately drives me (I am told it regularly).
Let it be in face to face or on the web, I enjoy sharing my experimentations, the conclusive ones as the aborted ones, because everything let us go forward. This is what I have mainly been doing for a year with this blog. If you follow me, you have undoubtedly noticed that I enjoy looking for new approaches day after day to talk about my favorite subject: visual arts and their artists.
I do not hesitate to call into question my work to follow other tracks, new challenges until then unexplored, just to see if it works.
I get inspiration from both my peers and my fathers, and even from those who practice other arts, to overcome my own limits by voluntarily leaving my framework. In short, my mind is close to that of a researcher one.

I offer all these creative ideas to mobilize your own inspiration, to give you ideas and the will of undertaking
But today I want to go further, because indeed the artist is obviously an economic being like everyone and I have decided to propose for sale a very well documented work on a year of artistic workshops done with my students.
This book is based on the observation that loads of people really want to get into action in the field of art. Alas, they do not have necessarily “suitable” teachers next to them to guide them. Or they can’t afford the subscription to a workshop for a whole year. Or, they get lost with thousands of creative ideas generously posted on the net.
This ebook addresses both adults and children, because I always make sure that everyone can appropriate the exercises according to one’s level.
This first session of workshops aims to familiarize you with loads of techniques so that leading you to develop your own mixed technique.
The tone of those workshops is definitively contemporary and unconventional since I like to divert rules.
With me, you will meet the pleasure of discovery, it is essential because, even if we want to progress and to be proud of ourselves, we must have fun especially.
The purpose of such a practice is to vibrate and to make others vibrate very strongly by simply creating. This is the reward.
When we create, we explore our inner wealth with happiness and we try to live all its benefits. I daily notice, with those who join me on this journey, deep moments of shaking and surprises but especially great joys facing discoveries of unsuspected talents.
Here is my state of mind regarding this proposal and I invite you to discover its content by following this link and challenge yourself.
Moreover, if you want to journey at my side,
subscribe to my NEWSLETTER (at the top of each post)
and receive my work free of charge:
“Thirty artistic writings”.
Thanks to it, you will already be able to diversify your creative toolbox. I always experiment these new tricks with my students. This generates true revelations and compels to leave self-limited routines. I invite you to test!