Primarily this blog is a stirrer or a facilitator of creativity.

“Where to start?”. The first challenge is to know whether art calls upon you, if art is one of your passions, if to put art in your daily life is significant. To clarify these points, let us ask the issue:

What provides an artistic experiment exactly?

(Stories that give meaning)

Diving into one’s own personal artistic experiments or those of others, means to wander from little pleasures …to great personal achievements.

One day, after 20 years of personal artistic creations and of sharing this experience with all kinds of public, I have decided to ask me the following issues:

Why am I so fond of artistic experiments? Why do I need so much to have “an artive life”?

The aim is to go thoroughly into this complex subject.
There is a powerful technique to do this sort of research.
We must take a blank page, put our issue in its centre, follow the associative pathways of one’s brain from the centre, let us be carried away without reluctance, without opposition and without judgment. Just take down all tracks that spring up. Bit by bit, we draw a beautiful arborescence, an actual scan of the subject!
This is a mind map. Definitely it is an earnest and easy tool to implement and in addition it is perfect TO BE MORE CLEAR-SIGHTED.

une mind-map d'isaac newton

It’s so convenient and it is CREATIVE. Loads of famous people have used this tool with great success to achieve their works (Darwin, Newton, Vinci, Disney and many others).
See opposite an Isaac Newton’s mind map.

This approach drives me to a much more modest mind map (see below). However very informative. Actually, it has been given to me the idea of this blog which precisely speaks of “Vie Artive” (which means “Artive Life”).
Within one hour of thinking, here are all the possible tracks of the blog.

Why put art in your life?

If, like me, you are fond of visual arts, do this exercise and you will understand why it is crucial to live on art.
If you notice some similarities with your own experiences in artistic experience, then we should come a long way together.

Because creating artistically is accurately the same as creating all things in our own life, it is worthwhile to develop our overall creative skills through any artistic expression. Our darings, our breakthroughs, our progresses, our curiosity in each other, our confidence due to this kind of practice will have huge impacts on our lives.
And above all, with artistic passion, it is now impossible to get bored.

If any doubt, use the technique of mind map, there is always a successful outcome. And you just need a sheet and a pencil.

So if, like me, you are fond of artistic experiences, browse posts of this blog, I am sure that you should be challenged by some creative ideas. It talks about all kinds of artistic experiments. My blog tracks down artistic paths already experimented with various attendees. I hope it will get inspiring for your own creativity.

Creativity is contagious, so share it. Albert Einstein

This is what I propose to do regularly with Vie Artive.












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A blog from veronique egloff

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    Trente ateliers artistiques



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